Sustainable Country

        Humans desire is to improve their country and to change our world for the better but due to our wrong doings. We want to fill the world with buildings and without thinking we are destroying natural resources. How can we improve and make a better world if we are not thinking what were doing.

               We need natural resources to for a better world and to improve our countries. We also need natural resources for our daily lives but we're cutting trees to build buildings. We need trees to avoid floods and some destructive disasters. God gave us this world to protect it and not to destroy it. Let's not do things that can destroy our beloved World

     We are the reason why our world is changing. We should think before we do some things. If we act recklessly, it is possible that you can do a bad thing but if you want to save our world or to improve our countries. We can plant trees and clean our sorroundings we can save the world.
