Love to our God


          In the Christian calendar, Lent is a 40-day cycle preceding Easter. Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday, is a time of contemplation and planning. Christians imitate Jesus Christ's 40-day desert fast and sacrifice by following Lent. Lent is a Christian ritual practiced by Christians of various faiths. It's the holy forty-day cycle of sacrifice that precedes Jesus' death and resurrection.

          In the Philippines, Monday, Thursday and Good Friday are considered as public holidays. The solemn week continues from Holy Monday to Holy Wednesday, but those days are normal working days. Filipinos are notorious for having a lot of pamahiin (beliefs) in any case. In addition, various provinces in the Philippines have a variety of customs that date back to ancient times and have been passed on from generation to generation. These rituals are still alive and well in the contemporary world. It is the first day of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Ashes are traditionally placed on the forehead of Catholics as a symbol of inner repentance. The ashes originated from the palm branches that were blessed on Palm Sunday this year. Some people chooses to submit themselves to penitence which includes fasting and abstinence.


          This Lenten season we need to ensure that we, as people and as a church, emerge from the pandemic stronger than we've ever been. Often, keep in mind that each of us is unique and has a role to play in the world. We will stop this pandemic from getting worse, and we can put an end to this nightmare if we work together.


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